Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm Takin' What They're Givin'

Okay, let's get this shit underway. The first entry into my spanking new blog is going to be about work. And not work in the general sense ("I hate working") but work in a more specific way ("I hate my job"). I have rants I need to release.

Okay, I don't really hate my job. Granted, it's not the job I want and banking has absolutely nothing at all to do with my teaching degree, but it is a job and I'm lucky to have it. Sort of. All of us wonderful contractors were called into my manager's office the other day for her to tell us that our jobs are being outsourced to Nashville and that we might temporarily not have jobs. So temporary, in fact, that we might not be let go at all, but to be ready in case it does. And if it does, some of us will be made permanent if and when we come back.

Hello, Ms. Vague. I'm Mr. Confussion. Pleased to make your acquaintance. Have you met my friend, Mr. Stress?

This gets better. Let me throw some math at you. There are 6 people in my department, one of whom handles assigning tasks out to us and 3 of us (inluding me) knows how to do everything and we bust our asses (more or less) on a daily basis. Of the 6, only 1 is actually employed by my bank, so she stays. The rest of us are temps. One of us, who knows how to do everything, is weeks away from having a baby and she'll be leaving anyway. So, that leaves 3 of us wondering what we're going to have to do as far as employment goes. One of the three just informed us that she found another job and she'll be leaving. This leaves two of us: me, who is the only other person who knows how to do everything which includes very specific tasks that really no one else can do, and another girl who's very annoying and a waste of space, in my opinion. Basically, one of two things can happen: they can either keep me and divide what tasks are left for us to do between the 2 of us OR let me go (temporarily) and put the entirety of the workload on one person.

Add to all of this the fact that myself and a couple of others have been busting our humps to get a training manual made and ready for the people who will have our jobs. AND I'll be training the managers from Nashville next week. AND I knew about all of this before anyone else did, with the promise to my manager that I won't tell anyone so as not to cause undue worry. AND my boss keeps telling me that she has plans for me and she wants to make me permanent. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN????? My god this is stressful. I'm the only one here who is in total limbo and it is not fun. I feel like they're making me sharpen the very knife that they're going to use to slit my throat. Maybe. If I'm losing my job, I'm probably going to say "fuck it" and move to Asheville now.

I work in a very strange place. It feels like a halfway house. Kinda like how Orlando feels. Actually, you know what? This place is the equivalent to the Land of Forgotten Toys. A bunch of random people just ended up here because they couldn't find anything else. I'm making toys but what I really want to be is a dentist, damnit!!! Here are some points of interest regarding my job so you get the general concept of what I go through.

-I know how to do the job better than my manager does.

-I'm one of the few white people here, one of the only men, and I'm also probably the only person who doesn't go to church on a regular basis, let alone at all. I hear the names God and Jesus a lot, along with praise be this and good book that. Sweet Jesus.

-Even though a bunch of us might be let go soon, people are still wandering about looking for money, ie. chipping in for birthday parties, Super Bowl parties, kids' fundraisers, etc. I appreciate the intentions, but now is not a good time.

-And a Super Bowl party? Really? Is the Super Bowl a national holiday now? If that's the case, I want Monday off with pay. Jesus, who gives a shit??? (Ha! I wrote 'Jesus.' I guess it's rubbing off on me.)

-There are some seriously strange and annoying people working here. You have to kind of expect it with a job like this and take it with a grain of salt. One of my coworkers is a few years older than me and a total redneck. She wears those little bands with the balls on them in her hair. The woman is in her mid to late 30's for crisakes. They make her look like a giant toddler. She also acts like a toddler at times, too. She gets really hyper and just acts...weird. I usually flash looks of utter disbelief at coworkers regarding her behavior. This gets them laughing, which makes her think she's getting the laughs, in turn worsening her antics. It's fucking nuts. I'm all for acting goofy and having a good time, but dear lord, calm down! Today she's wearing some kind of leopard shirt. I mean, it doesn't have a leopard on it. It looks like she killed a leopard and she's wearing it's skin. It's ridiculous. I'm pretty sure she shops at Flea World. She also voted McCain. Her response to Obama being in office is that she'll pray in hopes that the Lord can guide him. Now if that ain't loony, please point me in the direction to what is because I'd like to see what trumps that. She also cackles rather than laughs and she constantly looks for some kind of sympathy by endlessly bringing up the fact that she's a single mom. Sorry, but boo fucking hoo.

I have more I was going to write about, but why blow my whole load on the first date, right? (How's that for a lovely image?) I'll just talk about it as it comes up. Actually, I think I'll make it a series! The "Takin' What They're Givin' Series." Damn, I like that.

Oh, wonderful. It's raining. Granted, we need the rain, but just remind me to write about how bad the drivers in this part of town are.